Qt Creator Dreamcast Development Environment

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This is a guide to set up the Qt Creator IDE for source-level debugging on the Sega Dreamcast using the KallistiOS development environment and the GDB debugger. Choosing Qt Creator as your IDE has several strengths, such as being massively cross-platform, supporting a multitude of devices and toolchains (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, WebAssembly, etc), and being extremely easy to add additional toolchains to.

However, the downside is that as of the writing of this tutorial (Qt Creator version 10.0.1), there are a few places where we are forced to do things that are slightly less than ideal or a bit hacky to maneuver around limitations in the configurability of the IDE. In my personal opinion, these are not actually a big deal, and your resulting environment is almost as easy to use as debugging locally; however, there are tutorials for other IDEs which can arguably have even better integration.


To start with, this tutorial makes the following assumptions:

  1. You have already installed and set up your KallistiOS development environment.
  2. You have already downloaded and installed Qt Creator (version 10.0.1 was used for this tutorial).