Using Ruby for Sega Dreamcast development

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It's possible to develop in Ruby for the Sega Dreamcast using the mruby implementation. The proof-of-concept was made by Yuji Yokoo back in 2019. This is experimental and a lot of features are missing/not working/not tested (e.g. debugging).


You should have a working KallistiOS environment. Also you need to have rake and bison installed.

Installing prerequisites on MinGW/MSYS

Install RubyInstaller (if XP : 2.0.0) then add it to the path. Install bison in the MinGW Get program

Installing prerequisites on MinGW-w64/MSYS2

 pacman -S rake bison

Setting up mruby

Open a Shell and type the following:

cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/mruby
cp examples/targets/build_config_dreamcast_shelf.rb build_config.rb

This will generate all the required files, the -lmruby is now available